Waterfall or Kissing Pose (AcroYoga Biblio)
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Waterfall or Kissing Pose (AcroYoga Biblio)

Writer: YogaEmotion & YogitosYogaEmotion & Yogitos

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

We love to call this pose: Kissing Pose, but this is just a variation of the Waterfall! With or without kiss this pose can be entered from Reverse Straddle Throne, from Reverse Throne the Flyer will have less mobility for the backbend, but it can be done as well. Depending on the flexibility of flyers’ quadriceps, base can help coming down from Reverse Throne, by holding into the arms. To exit from the pose, you can go into a Reverse Shoulderstand. Enjoy the pose and remember to show your best love side!

Check our YouTube channel for a "how to" video for Waterfall and other video materials:

Difficulty level (1 very low to 5 very high): 2

Check as well our AcroYoga and Yoga retreats and classes in Cascais (Portugal) to start your way into AcroYoga or deepen your practice! No partner or knowledge required.

Remember to practise always with safety and if possible with a spotter and/or teacher! And of course: keep practising and enjoying!

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