A good arm balance for the base and equilibrium from the flyer. As an easier alternative to start playing with balance, would be for the flyer to have the same pose as in Bat (see post). A good mini flow would be starting in Front Plank, moving into the legs of the base to place the hands in the sacrum and between the shoulder blades of the flyer. From there start to look for the pose turning your arms until having the body of the flyer perpendicular to the base. An alternative for exits could be Bat or Reverse Straddle Throne.

Difficulty level (1 very low to 5 very high): 2
Check our YouTube channel for a "how to" video for Yogi Throne and other video materials:
Check as well our AcroYoga and Yoga retreats and classes in Cascais (Portugal) to start your way into AcroYoga or deepen your practice! No partner or knowledge required.
Remember to practise always with safety and if possible with a spotter and/or teacher! And of course: keep practising and enjoying!