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Prasarita Twist (AcroYoga Biblio)

Writer: YogaEmotion & YogitosYogaEmotion & Yogitos

This one is a great therapeutical flying pose, the twist of the upper body of the flyer needs to be done with control and slowly since it can be very intense. Remember always to stretch both sides of the body. But it is as well a great transition pose between Folded Leaf (see post) and Straddle Bat (see post). The transition can be tricky, but once the base has both arms straight into the shoulders of the flyer, it should be enough points of contact, remember to use the C-grip and not press with your thumb as a base.

Prasarita Twist AcroYoga Biblio
Prasarita Twist AcroYoga Biblio

Difficulty level (1 very low to 5 very high): 1

Check as well our AcroYoga and Yoga retreats and classes in Cascais (Portugal) to start your way into AcroYoga or deepen your practice! No partner or knowledge required.

Remember to practise always with safety and if possible with a spotter and/or teacher! And of course: keep practising and enjoying!


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